Il-Kamra ta' Fuq @ New Life Bar,
Church Square, Mqabba MQB 1012
Il-Kamra ta' Fuq @ New Life Bar,
Church Square, Mqabba MQB 1012

Andrew Zarb (b. 1989) born and raised in Malta is a self-taught photographer who considers photography as a passion, always waiting and searching for the best moment. Zarb’s passion for nature is expressed through his photography – the photos convey his thoughts and express the feelings and impressions of his relationship with the subjects of his photography, whether humans or objects, during the time he spends with them.
He is always yearning to learn more from other passionate photographers, whom he considers his esteemed mentors.
Zarb uses both digital and analogue cameras. The coloured world intrigues him; the black and white world triggers more curiosity and emotions in him. Often Zarb is described as a quiet person, yet most of the time he lets his photos express what his mind could never utter through words.
Zarb is a full-time technician and photographer and part-time farmer.
"One photo out of focus is a mistake, ten photos out of focus are an experimentation, one hundred photos out of focus are a style." -- Anonymous